
Selected Presentations

  1. “Predictive and Prescriptive Models for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer,” Institute for Technology Assessment, Massachusetts General Hospital, 2024
  2. Stochastic Optimization for Scheduling Service Systems,” Amazon, 2024
  3. “Optimization of Markov Decision Processes with Model Ambiguity,” Invited Seminars, Bath, Cambridge, Cardiff, Imperial College London, Kent, Loughborough, Fall, 2023
  4. “Optimization of Markov Decision Processes with Model Ambiguity,” Invited Seminar, Oxford University, October 9, 2023
  5. Active Surveillance of Prostate Cancer in the Context of Model Ambiguity,” HCSE Conference, Portugal, September 14, 2023
  6. “Healthcare Analytics: Leveraging Predictive and Prescriptive Models for Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of Diseases,” IFORS Conference, Santiago Chile, July 13, 2023
  7. “Predictive and Prescriptive Models for Early Detection of Cancer,” Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation, University of Chicago, May 2, 2023
  8. “Operations Research: Using Math, Statistics, and Data for the Common Good,” Swarthmore University Undergraduate Mathematics Department Seminar Series, March 14, 2023
  9. “Optimization of Markov Decision Processes with Model Ambiguity,” Invited Seminar, Amazon, February 15, 2023
  10. “Frontiers of Medical Decision Making in the Modern Age of Data Analytics,” IISE Transactions Invited Webinar, September 28, 2022
  11. “Operations Research and Data Analytics for Prostate Cancer,” Stephen M. Pollock Collegiate Professorship Lecture, University of Michigan, June 24, 2022
  12. “Predictive Analytics for Optimal Detection of Metastatic Prostate Cancer,” Innovative Applications of Analytics Award Finalist Presentation, INFORMS Conference, April 2021
  13. Dealing with Model Uncertainty in Markov Decision Processes for Chronic Diseases,” Southern Methodist University, 2021
  14. Dealing with Model Uncertainty in Markov Decision Processes for Chronic Diseases,” Cornell University, 2019
  15. Mathematical Programming Models for Optimization of Medical Decision Making,” Vietnam-USA Joint Mathematics Meeting, Que Nhon, Vietnam, 2019
  16. INFORMS Tutorial: Optimization of Sequential Decision Making: From Data to Decisions,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 2018 (see the tutorial that this presentation is based on). This presentation was also recorded by INFORMS via Lecture Capture
  17. Predictive Analytics for Optimal Detection of Metastatic Prostate Cancer,” NCI CISNET Meeting, University of Michigan, 2018
  18. Robust Optimal Control for Medical Treatment Decisions,” University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2018
  19. Optimization in Medicine: Past, Present and Future,” Plenary, INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2017
  20. Sequential Decision Making in Medicine: MDPs, POMDPs, and Beyond,” Tutorial, Healthcare Operations Research Summer School, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 2017
  21. Using Longitudinal Data to Build Natural History Models, ” INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2017
  22. Optimization in Medicine,” Symposium on Big Data, Health and Statistics, Plenary, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2017
  23. Stochastic Optimization for Scheduling in Healthcare Delivery Systems,”  Plenary, Optimization Days, Montreal, 2017
  24. Optimization of Healthcare Delivery Systems,” Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society, Keynote, Morocco, April, 2017
  25. “Robust Optimal Control for Medical Treatment Decisions–An Application to Type 2 Diabetes,” Georgia Tech, 2016
  26. “Markov Decision Processes for Chronic Diseases,” Modeling Health and Economic Outcomes Research, University of Michigan, 2016
  27. “Using Markov Models to Estimate the Impact of New Prostate Cancer Biomarkers,” Cancer Surveillance and Outcomes Research Seminar, University of Michigan, 2016
  28. “Online Scheduling of Outpatient Procedure Centers,” University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 2015
  29. “Optimal Design of Biomarker-Based Screening Strategies for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer,” University of California, Berkley, CA, 2014 
  30. “Online Scheduling of Outpatient Procedure Centers,” IFORS Conference, Barcelona, Spain 2014 
  31. “Operations Research in Medicine: Past, Present and Future,” INFORMS Michigan Chapter, 2014 
  32. “Online Scheduling of Outpatient Procedure Centers,” McGill University, Montreal, Canada,  2013 
  33. Plenary Talk, Conference on Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA), “Optimization
    of Planning and Scheduling of Health Care Delivery Systems,” Lehigh University, PA, 2013 
  34. “Stochastic Programming Models for Optimization of Surgery Delivery Systems,” Tsukuba University, Japan, 2013 
  35. “Optimization of Surgery Delivery Systems,” Tsinghua University, 2012 
  36. “Optimization of On-line Appointment Scheduling,” Tsinghua University, 2012 
  37. “Optimization of Scheduling for Appointment Based Healthcare Delivery Systems,” University of Ottawa, 2011 
  38. “Optimization of Online Appointment Scheduling,” INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2011 
  39. “Health Systems Engineering: Methods for Optimizing Healthcare Delivery,” IBM University Day, Raleigh, NC, 2011 
  40. “Tutorial on Optimization in Medicine,” Mayo Clinic Systems Engineering and Operations Research Conference, Rochester, MN, 2010 
  41. “Intensification at a Cost: Where is the Biggest Bang for the Buck?,” American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 2010 
  42. “Operational Performance of Endoscopy Suites,” Ambulatory Endoscopy Day, Toronto, 2010 
  43. “Optimization of Health Care Delivery Systems,” NC State University, 2009 
  44. “Optimization of Medical Treatment Decisions for Type 2 Diabetes,” University of Ottawa, 2009 
  45. “Optimization of Surgery Delivery Systems,” University of Michigan, 2009 
  46. “Building a Health Systems Engineering Infrastructure,” Mayo Clinic, 2009 
  47. “Career Award Advice,” NC State University, 2009 
  48. “Optimal Location of Chempacks,” NC State University, 2009 
  49. “Systems Engineering Methods for Improving Patient Access to Care,” Mayo Clinic, 2008